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Владимир написал(а):Вопрос к air'у:
Легитимно ли соотнести эти понятия с "бытием" (дас зайн) и "сущностью" (дас заенде) Хайдеггера?
Отредактировано Владимир (2024-10-09 16:07:21)
добрый день!
трудно сказать, потому что вопрос требует углубленного изучения
нашёл два неплохих, на мой взгляд, кратких комментария хайдеггеровских терминов das Sein, das Seiende и das Dasein
может, это что-то прояснит
In Classical Philosophy "das Sein" describes the quality* of existence and "das Seiende" the object to which this quality pertains. Grammatically, "das Sein" is a nominalized infinitive equivalent in syntactic function to the English gerund and "das Seiende" is a nominalized present participle. Unfortunately, Modern English uses morphologically indistinguishable suffixes (-ing) for both forms; hence, both, "das Sein" and "das Seinende", translate into English as "the being".
In Existentialist Philosophy, "das Dasein" describes the quality of self-aware existence, i.e. awareness and understanding of his own "Sein" characterizes the quality of "Dasein" of a "Seiende":
Seinsverständnis ist selbst eine Seinsbestimmtheit des Daseins.
(Sein und Zeit, §4, p.12)
https://forum.wordreference.com/threads … n.2050369/
What is the ontological difference between Being (Sein) and beings (Seiende) in Heidegger's philosophy?
Quick answer:
The ontological difference in Heidegger's philosophy distinguishes between Being (Sein) and beings (Seiende). Being (Sein) refers to the general notion of existence, the condition that makes entities intelligible, while beings (Seiende) are specific entities or things in the world. Heidegger emphasizes that entities cannot fully explain other entities; rather, Being is necessary to understand the existence and relationships of entities.
https://www.enotes.com/topics/martin-he … ein-478488